FAQ,  Origin/EA-App

[ORIGIN] How to redeem a Game Key/Code


If you buy game directly on Origin, you won’t get any keys. The game is automatically added to your game library. There are means to get game keys/codes though that you can redeem through Origin so the game gets added to your account. Be aware that any DLC will appear on the base game and not as separate entry.

I recommend to only buy keys through trusted sellers. EA has been known to remove keys from accounts bought on keyseller sites.

These cases include

  • Buying the game through a trusted seller
  • Buying a key in a box or other boxed retail versions
  • Winning a key

How to Redeem

Keys can be redeemed on Origin. You need to an EA Origin Account and download the Origin Client.

  • Start Origin
  • Logging in with your account (make sure you login with the correct one, always use email address to login and not user name),
  • Click on OriginRedeem Product Code
  • In the appearing Window, enter the code. Best is to c/p the code if you have it electronically, otherwise make sure you type it correctly. Some letters/numbers look very similar. Like 0 and O and D, 8 and B 2 and Z
  • Click Next
  • Follow the instructions on the screens. Make sure to check if it gets redeemed on the correct account before clicking OK on the final step.
  • The game should now appear under My Game Library. If you have redeemed a code for a DLC it will appear when you click the base game.
  • You can now download and install the game.

Further Reading

Last Updated: August 20, 2020