[ANNO 1800] Patch 3.2 – July 8th 2019
Patch Size
546 MB
Patch Notes
Source: Ubisoft
- Fixed an issue that prevented the campaign quest “Prosperity for all” from being completed due to a timing issue with the quest. This fix applies retroactively to affected saves.
- Fixed a potential issue with hostile ship spawns during the campaign quest “One Hand washes the other”.
- Fixed a potential show stopping issue after completion of the campaign quest “Release and ease”.
- Fixed a potential stability issue that could appear when finishing a campaign-specific expedition and switching sessions immediately after. This could happen at the end of campaign chapter 2.
- Fixed an issue with custom games that could result in pirates and other third-party AI spawning twice within a session.
- Fixed an issue with construction AI, where an AI opponent may end up constructing the same building all over his island. This fix will unfortunately not apply to existing save games. Calm down Willie, you don’t need those 20 sawmills.
- Fixed a potential stability issue that could occur when trading with AI characters.
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could lead to players becoming stuck in a desync loop under certain conditions.
- Fixed a potential issue with building interfaces that could occur when clicking on an electricity-powered, and then an unpowered building in quick succession.
- Fixed a text issue with the quest tracker during the “Eli the incorruptible” quest.
- Fixed a stability issue that could occur under specific circumstances when trading. This would occur when adding a fifth item to a ship’s sell window (provided it has one), and subsequently first trying to sell the equipped item, before selling the other wares.
- Fixed an issue with character-specific notifications that could occur if a quest notification was triggered while another object menu for the same character was currently open.
- Fixed a randomly occurring stability issue.
- Added a version number to the main menu for easier verification of the currently installed game version.
- Changed the name of the Windows process for the game from „Anno 7“ to „Anno 1800“. That is another 1793 Annos added at no additional cost!