• Tutorial,  Windows

    Windows 10 Defender – Controlled Folder Access

    Introduction Windows 10 Defender comes with a security feature called controlled folder access. This feature is to protect folders from unauthorized changes by malware and other unfriendly applications. On activation of the feature, it’s mainly the user folders that get protected which often leads to unwanted locking of the folder which in turn keeps applications from running properly. You can add exceptions to the controlled folder access similar to the firewall or anti virus protection. How can I change the settings ? Option 1 Click on Start –> Settings –> Update and Security –> Windows Security (left hand side) –>…

  • Tutorial,  Windows

    Critical Events

    Steps to take Error messages and logs can most often help identifying why a program crashes. Windows logs a lot but it’s sometimes hard to find out where. Once such place is the reliability monitor. Follow these steps to get the error from that monitor. Opening the reliability monitor Show critical events A window will open that has several segments The segments that have a red circle with an X are the critical events that occurred on your system. Click on the X to see more info on the events (newest ones are always on the right) Choose the ones…