[UPLAY] Cloud Saves
Introduction Most of the newer games today offer cloud saving. Saves will be uploaded to the Ubisoft servers and can be used by simply logging in with the same Ubisoft account. Cloud saves are a convenient way to exchange data between computers and to create a backup. In my opinon, they don’t replace local backups though since something can go wrong when synchronizing with the cloud. Because of this it’s still important to keep local backup. Ubisoft games create a lokal folder in your Windows documents folder which allows for easy backing up via copy/pasting the folders. How do the…
[ANNO 1800] FAQ
Content On which OS is Anno 1800 available ? What are the system requirements ? Do I need an Internet connection ? How can I play Anno 1800 offline ? Which editions are there and what’s the content ? What is the Imperial Pack ? Where can I find my extra content ? How do I redeem my codes ? How do I install the game without DVD drive ? Which languages are supported ? Where can I find my savegames ? Where can I find my screenshots/photos ? Everything about Club Rewards Season Pass and DLC On which OS…
[ANNO 1800] Everything about Saves
Where can I find my saves ? The save can be found in the following folder: Documents\Anno 1800\accounts\<long number> After starting a new game you will be asked for a name which you can choose to your liking. The game will then create one folder per name in the file system. Each folder contains all saves ever made. This way you can always go back to any save point. How do I load a certain save ? Click on Continue to continue where you last left off. Click on Load Game to load a certain save game (incl. auto-saves) Click…
[UNRAVEL] [PC] Everything about your Saves
Where is my save game stored? Your save game is stored in two places: your computer and Origin’s cloud. On your computer In C:/Users/<your username>/Appdata/Local/Unravel This folder is hidden by default so if you want to see it you may need to follow these instructions: Show hidden files In the folder you will find two files: profileXXXXXX.pro and settingsXXXXX.pro. The first one contains your save game, and the second one your settings. The XXXXX is the number that Origin gives to your EA account. You will find more files in that folder if you play Unravel with more than one Origin account on the same computer. Origin’s cloud Origin…