[ANNO 1800] [FIXED] Turning off right-click menu resets on the next game start
Problem I change the right-click menu to off but on the next game start it’s reset to on. Cause Changing the option isn’t saved into the engine.ini file. Because of this, the change is not permanent and only affects the current gaming session. Solution Change the option manually in the engine.ini instead: Search for the following line: “UseRightclickMenu”: true, Change true to false
[ANNO 1800] Feedback Quality can’t be set
Problem I would like to change the feedback quality in the option but I don’t get an an selection list when I click on it. Only the arrow changes from an downwards arrow to a upwards one. Cause It only seems like the list doesn’t open, since the feedback quality is the last entry in the list and is at the bottom on the screen The only issue is that the list doesn’t auto-scroll automatically. Solution Drag the scroll bar on the right hand side all the way to the bottom. This will make the list visible. You can also…
Gamescom 2014 Preview: Options
Main Menu The main menu has the following options Save –> Saves the Game Save as –> Saves the game under a new name Game Option –> See below Help –> External Link to AnswerHQ (not 100% but that’s how it was in the CAS Demo) Lessons –> All lessons. You can read them here Patch Notes –> External Link to the patch notes Credits Achievements –> was deactivated Manage World –> Access the world/neighborhood overview Game Option (not complete) The game options are quite extensive and I did not write everyting down but concentrated mostly on the new stuff. Unfortunately…
Behind the curtains – Options and more
Supernatural also brings us some changes in the UI. There are new options, a collectors journal and something new about the ingame store ads. My assumptions is that most of these will also be in the patch but if that is true for the lunar cycle, I really don’t know. Options Options are still global for all savegames. If you want saves with supernaturals and saves without, you need to change the options frequently. You can use AnyGameStarter for this or you can have several Options.ini files which you rename with every savegame you have. As advertised you can turn…